Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Two Days and Two Months To Go

As the title suggest, I am counting down the days until I am internally alone again. As I type this I can see movement rolling across my belly.

There are many things I miss about not being pregnant. Here are a few of them: diet coke, sleeping on my stomach, hard physical exertion, diet coke, being able to move easily. I miss the fatigue of a long run and sore muscles in places other than my back. 

While I do not enjoy being pregnant, this pregnancy has given me a great amount of free time. This time has encouraged me to try new things, such as blogging. Also, I get to spend my days doing exactly as I please (for the most part). This time has been a mini-retirement of sorts and has allowed me to learn a couple of things about myself. 

I have learned that I need daily goals and accomplishments or I quickly become depressed. These do not have to be major things. In fact, they can be as small as doing our weekly grocery shopping and vacuuming the house, but for sanity, I have to get at least a couple of productive things done every day. 

I have also learned that I need companionship more than I previously thought. I thought I was always fine on my own, but now I know that I am happier when I have a couple of people or dogs to interact with. 

These are my two most constant companions. Such cuties!!! 

I am sure once Frances Harper is here I will look back on these quiet and physical cumbersome days with longing, but right now I am just ready to have my body back. So, heres to 62 days left! 

Happy Tuesday!

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