Thursday, May 8, 2014

Snow!? No.

All of those who have sanded sheetrock mud, please raise your hand. Those with your hands raised can sympathize with me, and those of you with your hands down (for reasons other than you were too self conscious to participate) are lucky -- this is a job you should continue to avoid at all costs.

Sanding is nice in one way because you instantly can feel improvement in the wall's surface. In all other ways this is a pretty awful job. Here is why…

Can you see that fine white powder that is sitting on top of the chair rail? Good. Now, imagine it coated all over you. Not good. That is sanding sheetrock mud in a nutshell.

On Tuesday, I went around mudding the gauges and nail holes and nicks that were marring the sheetrock. I then let the mud dry overnight, and I sanded all of these spots on Wednesday. Sheetrock mud was also my solution to all of those lines of glue that were causing me such aggravation last week (you can read about that here).

I enhanced the picture a little to make the glue more yellow and visible. This glue was stuck at every place where there had been a seam in the wall paper. When sanding the glue off did not work, my dad suggested mudding over the glue and then sanding. The wet mud would either loosen the glue, making it easier to sand off, or would cover up the glue and allow me to make the surface smooth.  The Old Man was right. 

These walls were pretty easy as far as mudding goes. Find a gauge, hole, or nick. Sand rough edges off. Put mud on your knife. Smooth mud onto gauge, hole, or nick. Scrape off excess mud. Dry. Sand until smooth. For those visual learners among us, you can scroll through the next few pictures. 

I have never felt a baby's bottom, but I would wager these walls are as smooth as one. 

(every line of white mud is where a seam of wallpaper glue was and represents about a gallon of white dust that was left behind)

Overall, a job well done. Now I can devote some time to clearing out my nasal passages (the dust does not only get all over you, but it also gets all in your nose).

Have a great Thursday!

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