Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Monday! (or it will be once you watch the video at the end of the post)

Running a tad later than normal today. I have quickly learned, when you do not have a regular job, Mondays become your catch-up day. Monday is now when I do all of my errands that I used to do on the weekends. Now, I can savor having accomplished so much all in one morning.

We had a very busy weekend in our household. As I mentioned on Friday, my sister and dad were working a booth together at the Indie South Fair.

This is Mary Frances in the booth. She and her friend made all of the pottery and my dad made the red cabinet behind her. Michael and I went over Saturday afternoon, after all the work had been done, and had dinner with everyone. Athens is really quite the charming town. 

We also worked over at The House. MORE round-upping had to be done. Some of those weeds are persistent critters. I also worked on more of the wall-paper. I will have a full post on the new developments in that department tomorrow. Of course, we took our trusty helpers to the house with us to work. 

Cooper likes for him and Macy to sit on the same side of the backseat. She would rather not. 

And on a side note, I read this on Friday. 

And my mother-in-law shared this on Facebook over the weekend.  Super cute. 

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!

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