Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Happy Wednesday!

First things first, the cake. I know I promised reviews on Monday, and it is now Wednesday. I will blame it on the pregnancy. Once Frances Harper is here, I guess I will blame everything on being a new mom. Then I can use the excuse of chasing a toddler around. Then… well maybe by the time she is grown I will have my act together.

Anyway, back to the cake.

As all things chocolate are prone to be, the cake was good. I am calling it a cake because that is what the recipe was titled, but it was actually more along the lines of a fudge-iced-brownie. Also, the recipe calls for it to be topped with whipped cream. I didn't have any whipping cream on hand, but I think it (now I don't know whether to call it a cake or a fudge-iced-brownie) would have gone great with a big scoop of ice cream, which I also didn't have on hand. 

Sooooooo, my verdict would be four stars. While it was super tasty, if you had your heart set on a chocolate cake, you might be slightly disappointed with this sweet concoction (this disappointment could probably be buried if you had ice cream to go with this). However, if you wanted a fudge-iced-brownie, this would be right up your alley. 

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Decisions, Decisions, Delicious

This post is about paint, but do not leave yet! I have worked hard to interject it with enough of my witty sense of humor to make it interesting. So please, read on.

Work on our hardwood floors should begin on May 12th. (Now you are saying, 'she said it was about paint' and it is. Keep reading.) Before the floors are installed, we would like to have most of the painting done so that we do not have to worry about messing the floors up. This all means that the painting must get done next week. We are going to paint all of the living area (kitchen, dinning room, living room and hall) one color. Our current house has a different color in every room, and I have decided it is slightly dizzying. So without further ado… (please imagine a drum roll, now) here are the colors under consideration.

To give credit where credit is due, all of these are Valspar colors. We are leaning towards Gravity. With the limited windows in much of the house, we are afraid that going with one of the darker ones will leave the house feeling closed-in and gloomy. What do you think?

One room that is not going to be gray is Frances's bedroom. Her bedding is very colorful, and many of the decorative touches are as well. So we want her walls to be a bit subdued. I like color, but I don't want her room to be a clown tent. Valspar lists the colors below as warm whites. You can not tell in these swatches but they both have a slight purple/mauve tint to them. This ties in with the part of the room I am really excited about. 

Her closet door is going to be GRAPOLICIOUS. I love the color and the name. 

I originally got this idea from a blog called Young House Love. They just painted their kids closet doors fun colors, and it really made the rooms pop. 

Now, I just have to hope that everything stays on track: finish floor prep this week, paint next week, hard wood floors go down, we move in the beginning of June, and I lay around fat in the air conditioning for a month and a half. Sounds good. Lets go. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Joys of Homeownership (that word looks wrong but spell check didn't object).

The joys of homeownership swept over the Thornton-Naughtin household over the weekend. Michael tackled the grass, the round-upping of weeds, cleaning the gutters, and of course, continued on with the task of pulling nails out of the particle board that must be removed in preparation for hard wood floors. Here are some shots of Hubbie in action…

(Yes, he likes to wear tall socks with shorts and tennis shoes. I have decided to fight other battles.)

I do not want to mislead readers and have y'all think that the above picture is candid. He was pushing the lawn mower up the hill, but he was not smiling AT ALL before I held the camera up. The pictures below show you why he is really crying on the inside.

Our house sits on top of a steep hill. The type of hill that makes you question whether your car is going to make it all the way to the top when you are about halfway up the driveway. 

These pictures also show you the amount of work the yard needs. That is mostly going to wait until next year though. This summer we are focusing on getting the inside ready for our new addition (BABY FRANCES!!), and we will focus on simply cleaning up the yard and maintaining it until next spring/summer. 

In addition to following Michael around with a camera, I also tackled the wallpaper in Frances's room. Seeing as Frances will have an actual cat, who we fondly refer to as Kit-Cat-Quick-Snack but whose actual name is Bella, we did not think that she needed cat wallpaper in her room.

I used two tools to get the wallpaper down. The first is a wallpaper steamer (pictured below). My dad bought this a couple of years ago, and it set collecting dust until last week. I am really pleased with how easy it makes this. I generally have to go over each section twice. The first time I remove the top layer and then I go back and steam off the wallpaper backing and use a putty knife to scrape it off the wall. I really just glide the knife under the paper and it peals right off. (Please forgive the lack of pictures. I meant to take some that would make that explanation clearer, but… after scrolling through all of my pictures, I now realize I must have forgotten.)

The second tool you need for wallpaper removal is…

a reluctant helper. She was in charge of morale, and it was not a job she took seriously (notice she is in a completely different room and is just waiting for someone to take her home). Steaming off the wallpaper was not hard, but it was time consuming and pretty monotonous. Below is an after shot of the bedroom.

Overall, an extremely productive weekend. I hope all of you had a great weekend too!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone is having a great Friday!! I wanted to share a few things I discovered this morning, with the hope that they would bring others a smile as well.

(These are not in a ranked order.)

Who doesn't like to start the day with a cute puppy video?

My parents got the chairs in the picture below last week in preparation for everyone coming over for Easter. They are plastic adirondacks and came from Lowe's. They are pretty comfortable and are much more portable than the wooden ones they have. Feel free to comment on how pretty their back porch looks (yours truly cleaned and decorated it and compliments are important when you are gaining 1/2 a pound a week).

Then, today I was at Lowe's and saw the little cutie below. The pictures do not do the chair justice, but you should imagine the cutest little adirondack chair you can. The baby will not be able to sit in it for a year, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get it. 

I will sit in the big chairs later while I enjoy the next thing on my list... this cake. It is in the oven now and going by the smell, it is going to be scrumptious. I will have reviews on Monday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Enjoy the beautiful weather!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

With the baby arriving in 13 weeks, we have finally made some progress on the new-home-front. The house we bought is a fixer upper (you may read 'savings sucker' instead), and last weekend we made our first steps towards fixing her up.

The house came with wall to wall carpeting. I grew up in a house with all hard wood floors and thought that houses with carpet were really nice when I was little. As a young kid, that was a sign of a fancy house to me, especially if it was white. I now recognize this as a sign of having no pets or kids. This all to say the first thing on the to-do list was rip up all of the carpet so that hard wood floors can be installed. (I am waiting to hear back on an estimated price for the new floors, everyone say a prayer with and for me.)

The pictures below are my before pictures. I was not on the ball enough to get them done before we started ripping carpet up, but you can just ignore the hard workers (my husband, dad, and mom) and imagine the rooms with carpet on the floors.

This is the carpet that has been ripped out. We are currently piling it in the area that is going to be the carport. When the house was originally built, this was the carport and then was converted to a family room. We are converting it back. 

This is obviously a 1980's kitchen. Lots to do in here. Hey Cooper!!

Once the carpet was up, the particle board that was underneath it had to come up also. This is an instance where being pregnant is handy. This picture shows my parents working in the dining room, which is right off of the kitchen. You can see Michael in the distance working in the living room.

Bedroom #1-- Our plan is to make this into an office for Michael. 

After loading these pictures, I discovered that you should rotate the photos before putting them in the post. Obviously, I am working on a learning curve. 

This will be the nursery. You may have noticed by now that there is a lot of wall-paper in this house. ALL of it has to come down. Updates on that later. 

Here we have Mace Girl showing where her bad will be. This is the master bedroom and by her bed, she means the queen size bed she shares with me and Michael. YES!, we are one of those families that revolve around the pets comfort. 

Master bathroom with duck border. Nothing says romance like ducks in a bathroom. I have an aunt who recently had a mallard duck come down her chimney. True story. 

And here is Michael slaving away in the living room.  Please ignore all of the little water spots. I am not sure what is causing those.