Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Argghhhh!" (Dogs look at me in confusion)

Technology is wonderful. I know this. I am not experiencing this, but I know it. Maybe if I believe in it hard enough...

I have spent the last two days attempting to post a video tour of the house that I made last weekend. If you visit the blog daily, you know that this has not come to fruition. When I kept getting error messages yesterday, I called tech support and got him (Michael) working on it right away. You probably know where this is going because you are reading this story instead of watching my super cool (and I mean SUPER COOL) video right now. I am still getting error messages. They make me emit a growling noise that unnerves the dogs.

This in fact is not the only technology glitch I have run into this week. I spend most days over at my parent's house, and I enjoy a nice toasted sandwich for lunch on occasion. Yesterday was one of these occasions. Their stove top has a light that indicates if one of the burners is on. Super handy, right? Yes, except now the light is stuck on. No burner is on. Light is on. Solution: turn breaker off.

To add insult to injury -- I typed this post twice because the computer encountered a glitch when I tried uploading a picture and would not let me save or publish or type. I had to close out and start over. So in honor of today, I will leave you with this thought: SAVE OFTEN!!

Now, I am going to console myself with watermelon. Happy Wednesday.


  1. As a daily blog visitor I am sorry to hear about the tech problems. With the help of the watermelon I am sure all problems will be resolved, if not I find that naps help also...:-). Love from Aunt Nicky.

    1. The dogs and I took an hour long nap shortly after that :).

  2. Next time you encounter these computer/internet frustrations just think, you could be typing this blog entry on a computer similar to my work laptop... :) Happy Wednesday!
