Tuesday, May 27, 2014

His Summer Do

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Ours was busy but good. Michael and I both cursed him yesterday when his alarm went off at 6:00 am.

One of the most exciting things that happened this weekend, is Cooper's new haircut. As I am sure you have noticed from other photos that I have posted, Cooper is a German Shepherd. This means that he has VERY thick fur. This also means that he sheds A TON during the summer and always seems to be hot. So after much campaigning on my part, Cooper got a summertime hairdo.

He took it like a trooper. Yes, we are calling him Super Trooper Cooper.  Of course, we also have the requisite lion style tail. He loves it. 

Hope everyone else's summer kick off was fabulous. 


  1. He actually looks really happy in those pictures, and very comfortable on the floor.

    1. He was happy! I think he viewed the whole thing as a full body massage.
