Frances Harper has been home for one week now. She is doing great, and my sanity is still holding on by a thread. By anyone's standards, we can mark the week up to a success.
As a new mother, I have already learned several important things...
1. I enjoy leaving her with other people. Michael and I left her with my parents for twenty minutes while we went and picked up pizza last night. This time apart helped me decompress and have an enjoyable evening. My sanity would probably stand a better chance of survival if I was able to relax when me and her are in the same location.
2. The possibility of a fretful baby in the afternoon is worth a cup of coffee in the morning. Lets face it, even without the coffee there is a 50/50 chance she will be fussy. So, I might as well be well caffeinated.
3. A good night's sleep consist of getting a solid fuss-free-hour-and-a-half between EVERY feeding.
4. Sleeping in the crib is over rated. Also, I will do anything to accomplish number 3. We will worry about attachment issues later.
5. An outfit change is only necessary if a diaper has malfunctioned. I think this one pretty much explain's itself.
6. And most importantly... sometimes, you are just shooting for survival.
You are learning fast, grasshopper. These lessons will serve you well with the next one :-)