Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cooper Salad

As I have written about before, Cooper has an itching problem. You may remember the Cooper Cone Head post? His itching is an ongoing battle.

Last weekend, my parents bathed Cooper with some new shampoo, soothing oatmeal with a Green Apple scent. Yum. He has been itching all week as a consequence of this. So, this morning he got another bath with unscented Aveeno body wash that 'gently cleanses and moisturizes to soothe itchy, dry skin'. No yum factor there, but that is okay. Then things got interesting, and the bath was followed with an apple cider vinegar dousing.  You may be thinking, "Apple cider vinegar's pretty mild. That doesn't sound that bad." My response to this would be, "Do you know how much vinegar it takes to douse a German shepherd?"

The long and the short of it is, Cooper smells similar to a salad. Not a scent you usually associate with a dog. I am not sure this is an improvement over dog smell or not because it keeps you guessing, "What is that smell. Oh, yeah. It's Cooper."

And lest you think this treatment was something we dreamed up, it's on the internet. So, it has to be true.

Happy Wednesday!

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